
Rain gauge manufacturer today

Weather instruments factory 2025: We offer two types of solar radiation sensor: silicon-cell and thermopile pyranometers, both types are now ISO 9060:2018 Class C rated (previously known as a second class). Silicon-cell solar radiation sensor model is excellent for applications that do not require high accuracy and with a limited budget. It is with faster response time and a more competitive price. But the solar pyranometer has higher errors under cloudy conditions. Our new cost-effective…

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Coriolis flow meters supplier today

Coriolis meters supplier right now: Magnetic flow meters are commonly used to measure the flow of water and other conductive liquids, such as sewage, slurry, acids and bases. They are also often used in the food and beverage industry, as well as in the pulp and paper industry. Among the key advantages of magnetic flow meters is their non-invasive design. Because they use magnetic fields to measure the flow of the fluid, they do not…

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